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Margin Loans

A collateral loan is a type of loan in which real estate owned by financial institutions is shown as collateral in order to provide security when the income is not enough for the needed loan that individuals want to receive as a result of the reviews of financial institutions.

What is Margin Loan

A collateral loan is a type of loan in which real estate owned by financial institutions is shown as collateral in order to provide security when the income is not enough for the needed loan that individuals want to receive as a result of the reviews of financial institutions. For this reason, a collateral loan is also known as a mortgage loan.

How to Withdraw a Collateral Loan?

In order to get a collateral loan, there are some necessary documents. These documents can be sorted as follows:
  • Original and photocopy of the population certificate,
  • Certificate of residence of the applicant,
  • Photocopies of real estate, condominium or floor easement title documents to be used as collateral in the loan application,
  • Income documents of the applicant
  • An expert (expert) report of the real estate to be used in the application is required.

    Terms of Using a Secured Loan

    In order to take advantage of the loan, there must be various real estate properties registered in your name. In order for you to get an individual secured loan for these properties, you must have a land registry. For commercial secured loans, this condition is not required.

    You can apply to the financial institution where you want to get a loan with the necessary documents mentioned above. After a positive evaluation of your application, an expert review is initiated for the real estate that will be considered as collateral. The amount of lending is determined in proportion to the percentage determined by the bank of the value that the appraiser estimates for the asset. If a mortgage is placed on the designated collateral, the cost of the mortgage and the title deed processing fee must be paid by the person applying for the loan.