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Private Equity

Financial partnership investments are classified by factors such as the size of the investment, the process, and the growth rate of the company receiving the investment and are called private equity or venture capital.

Private Equity Investments

Financial partnership investments are classified by factors such as the size of the investment, the process, and the growth rate of the company receiving the investment and are called private equity or venture capital.

The term Private Equity is distinguished by the fact that the shares sold belong to a certain group and are not publicly traded. At the same time, sometimes venture capital investments can also be characterized as a kind of private equity investment.

Private Equity Investment Process

After a thorough examination, which can take 3-5 months, private equity funds purchase a certain percentage of shares from the companies in which they invest. Through a detailed share sale agreement and a shareholder agreement, they have serious rights in the company in the form of membership in the board of directors, reporting obligations, the right to priority in the sale of shares. after a relatively long investment process, such as 3-5 years, they exit by selling their shares in the company via IPO, sale to a strategic investor, or, very rarely, sale to the company owner.

What Are the Advantages of Private Equity Investments?

Financing: They provide financing support to companies that cannot benefit from capital markets and credit facilities because appropriate conditions cannot be provided.

Long-term equity investment: Equity financing does not include the obligation to pay interest and principal arising from credit debts. When the investor grows the company, a large time envelope eventually has a profit during the sale.

Institutionalization: The roles of the shareholder, the board of directors, and the chairman of the board of directors become clear as a result of institutionalization. With accurate reporting and expense notification, the company can observe every step in detail. Companies that are institutionalized in this way may be very suitable candidate companies for foreign partnerships.

Management support: Financial investors provide support to companies with many issues by providing their knowledge and experience in addition to capital. With this information, companies can experience an increase in performance in management, sales, procurement, and financing.

Positive image: The company is registered that it is promising and qualified by receiving support from financial investors. Thus, the company has a positive image in the eyes of every actor it is in contact with.

Consolidation: By combining companies that are in destructive competition or by choosing leaders who are in the company, they contribute to the formation of companies that can move the competition to the global market.